Email: Mudbather1963@protonmail.com

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Honestly the main problem with the internet is that everything is so beyond parody nowadays that it's impossible to tell when somebody's being sarcastic or not, this is very clearly a problem with society at large and not my severely underdeveloped marijuana addicted cum brain that has become completely unable to identify any form of subtlety or sarcasm. I mean really, after 8+ years of pre conditioning my short tempered, low attention spanned micro blog brain to find every post that even slightly goes against my pre established view of the world as a personal slight against my character that must be torn apart, how do you expect me to think clearly enough to realize when somebody is making a joke or just fucking with me for the sake of it? What, am I supposed to just "leave it alone"? Fuck you, I have an incredibly important cause to defend and I don't remotely appreciate you telling me to "calm down".

I mean honestly even if they are joking what fucking difference does it make? I already don't like them on account of the fact that they've inconvenienced my day by exposing me to thoughts that I disagree with, regardless of how absurd or easily they can be dismissed, so I don't really give a shit, fuck these people and fuck their shitty attempt at "humor." Honestly the world was a way better place when the only tv channel there was to watch was Nick Jr and none of these "news broadcasters" ever even existed, like where the fuck did that shit even come from? I remember when I was 7 "Tucker Carlson" didn't fucking exist, all we had to watch was Blue's Clues and my fat fuck dad miserably trying to get rid of the hornets nest in our backyard and getting his dick stung and then my mom calling him a worthless dipshit and then getting a divorce, Israel and Palestine weren't fighting, in fact I don't even think they existed yet at all, and shit was just so much fucking better.

That's the problem with this "sarcasm" shit, even if you don't actually agree with the statement you're making it still wastes my fucking time, why the fuck do I have to argue with you? I have to spend my time arguing with actual people for the good of Palestine or Israel, honestly I forget which one I'm supposed to be supporting I think it has something to do with trans bathrooms or something idk. But regardless of what my position even is I shouldn't have to spend my energy refuting bullshit claims about Donald Gay Trump getting caught sucking off another dude from Saudi Arabia, like yeah I get he did that one fucking time in 2005 but it's very clearly not something he would do again, stop bringing it up like he would still act like that today it's not fucking funny or productive to literally anything.

The worst part of all of this is I run out of time to fight for these valuable causes, if I didn't have to spend so much time disproving the dick sucking allegations that are constantly levied against me, trans people would be able to have their own fucking bathrooms by now, Chinese slavery would be abolished just like all the other races, Trump would've been executed, Hillary would've been able to girlboss all over the Middle East, blowing up small impoverished children with her iconic "we got this ladies!" flair that SHOULD HAVE won her the election, but no, you motherfuckers, you slimy, worthless motherfuckers just can't help yourselves. You HAVE to, you just FUCKING HAVE TO call ME gay, FUCKING ME, GAY, I MEAN WHAT THE FUCK?

This is what the fucking centrists do to people,, they push these BS jokes and rumors to try to distract us from our root cause, if it wasn't for Trollface, we would have universal healthcare, if it wasn't for Big Chungus, children wouldn't still be getting raped, and black people would be able to leave their fucking houses to buy Counter Culture Coffee from the gay Whole Foods without fear of some fat fuck pig cop beating them to death. (sorry 4 fatphobia racism just pisses me off)

Next time you see a fucking "meme" I want you to fucking do something about it, don't just ignore it, don't just scroll by, AND ESPECIALLY DON'T FUCKING LAUGH! FUCKING, DO, SOMETHING!

Remember that these people are literally stopping us from preventing more rapes!


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